The Power of ME!


Before you jump to any conclusions, please allow me to explain.


For as long as I can remember, I have always been pretty imaginative.  It wasn’t uncommon for me to disconnect from reality, delve into a day dream that consisted of meeting with the world’s greatest minds to save it from destruction. Scientists, politicians, even super heroes were my closest accomplices.

Little did I know that the power of knowing how to create strong alliances such as the ones I imagined would become my greatest strength. It wasn’t until I entered my first corporate job that I’d realize the true power of tapping into people and resources to get things accomplished in the real world. When most people were concerned with memorizing facts they would over-hear to repeat them and sound like the smartest person in the room, I on the other hand, wasn’t as concerned with that. I focused on building relationships instead. The need to know everything wasn’t my top priority.

Fast forward several years, I was at a point in my life in which I wanted to give back to the community.  You see, ever since moving to this country in 1994, my family was privileged to have a strong community whom they could rely on.  I still remember when I was a kid, my mom and I learned about a local program that provided free breakfast to families in need. I also remember tagging along with my mom to her free English classes during the evening. All of this was free and provided by people of my community, for the people of my community.

Contemplating on all of this made me want to share what I could with the people of my community as well. You know what they say- What goes around comes around.

That’s when I started to look at my network for friends who shared the same type of vision. This led to the creation of DmeToo Podcast, and now Autentico Podcast. I saw the need to build a community in which we can share our experiences, knowledge on subjects that are important to that community and share resources.  

Much like our Podcast, Gabriela and I look to create content that is interactive, and this includes our blogposts.   We do not presume to have all the answers but look to create a platform where our Latino community helps and supports one another. So, feel free to share any time that you’ve struggled and had to reach deep inside for inspiration or strength. How have YOU grown since? What talents and skills do you possess that make you feel like you’ve got this?

And now I ask you- who do you look up to in life and why?  But before you answer, go within. Think back about your experiences, times of trial and see how you, yes, YOU’ve conquered it all.  I encourage you to own those experiences! Then share them with us so we can all be encouraged.


What Does Success Mean to You?
