Empowerment Beyond Silence: Decoding "Calladita No Me Veo Mas Bonita"

As a young girl living near the southern border, I grew up loving school, marching in band, and spending time with my family. It was a happy life. The one thing that always hampered my spirits was a Spanish phrase I heard numerous times, “Callate Esmeraldita, Calladita Te Miras Mas Bonita.”

In a world filled with vibrant voices and powerful expressions, the phrase "Calladita Te Miras Más Bonita," translated as "You look prettier when you're quiet," has stirred both admiration and controversy. This intriguing saying encapsulates a complex interplay between societal expectations, gender dynamics, and the nuances of self-expression. This phrase was said to me, to my mother, to my grandmother, and to my own daughter. It’s time to say, no more. “Calladita No Me Veo Mas Bonita." Translated from Spanish, it roughly means "Being silent doesn't make me more beautiful." This revised phrase encapsulates a complex blend of societal expectations, resilience, and the journey towards empowerment. It carries profound implications, delving into the cultural dynamics that shape the roles and expectations of Latinas the world-over. Let's unpack the layers of this saying and explore how it resonates with the evolving narratives of empowerment and self-expression.

The Cultural Context:

For generations, Latinas have heard the phrase, “Calladita Te Ves Mas Bonita,” regardless of their socioeconomic status, country of origin, and educational background. Embedded in the roots of Latin American culture, "Calladita No Me Veo Mas Bonita" reflects societal norms that have historically expected women to conform to certain ideals. The phrase challenges the notion that a woman's beauty is intrinsically tied to her silence or compliance. It pushes against the stereotype that suggests women should be demure, passive, and submissive to be considered attractive.

Breaking the Silence:

At its core, the saying is a rallying cry for women to break the silence imposed upon them. It asserts that true beauty is not found in conformity but rather in authenticity, self-expression, and the courage to speak one's mind. Why is this important? Because these same young girls who hear this phrase as toddlers, children, teenagers, and young adults, grow up to be women; women who may be even sitting ‘at the table’ yet are thinking, “Callidata Me Veo Mas Bonita,” and choose to remain silent versus speaking up and advocating for themselves and for others. This resonates with the broader global movement advocating for women's rights, encouraging women to find their voices, and challenging societal norms that limit their potential.

Unveiling the Empowered Woman:

"Calladita No Me Veo Mas Bonita" highlights the transformative power that comes with embracing one's voice. It champions the idea that true beauty emerges when women assert themselves, share their thoughts, and actively participate in shaping their own destinies. This empowerment extends beyond physical appearance, emphasizing the strength and resilience found in individuality and self-determination.

Flipping the Script:

As societies evolve, so do perceptions of beauty and the roles of women within them. The phrase reflects a shifting paradigm, challenging outdated ideals and fostering a culture that celebrates women for their intellect, strength, and grit rather than confining them to traditional stereotypes. It symbolizes a rebellion against the notion that a woman's worth is determined by her ability to remain silent.

I flipped the script years after joining the military. I realized that I could no longer stay quiet in the face of inequities. I began to advocate for myself and for others. I remember deploying to Qatar AB two weeks after 9/11. After processing into the installation, I was taken to a large warehouse where all servicemembers were living until tent city was built. Servicemembers of all genders were living under the same roof without any separation. As religious affairs, I knew I needed to say something. I brought my concern to my religious support team chaplain who shared the same concern with the commander and the first sergeant. Within a couple of hours sheets and pallets were placed as a separation for greater privacy and women were given the choice to move to the back of the warehouse. Some women chose to stay among the male servicemembers, but the large majority were grateful someone had advocated for them. It was then that I realized the power of my voice on behalf of myself and others.

Navigating Dichotomies:

"Calladita No Me Veo Mas Bonita" navigates the complex dichotomies that women often face – the pressure to conform versus the desire for self-expression, societal expectations versus individual aspirations. By rejecting the idea that silence equates to beauty, it dismantles the binary oppositions imposed on women and advocates for a more nuanced understanding of femininity.

Empowerment Through Expression:

The phrase invites a reflection on the power of language and self-expression in the journey towards empowerment. It acknowledges that silence, often seen as a sign of compliance, can be a barrier to progress. By encouraging women to speak up, it fosters an environment where diverse voices contribute to societal conversation.

Embracing Diversity:

"Calladita No Me Veo Mas Bonita" is not just a slogan; it's a celebration of diversity. It acknowledges that beauty comes in various forms, and there is strength in embracing the wealth of women's experiences. It challenges the notion of a singular standard of beauty, encouraging a more inclusive and accepting society where women feel they belong and where their voice matters.

Empowering the Next Generation:

By dissecting and embracing the essence of "Calladita No Me Veo Mas Bonita," we pave the way for a future where the next generation of women can navigate their identities freely. The phrase becomes a beacon for empowerment, inspiring young girls to find their voices, pursue their passions, and reject societal limitations. And when I found my voice, I encouraged my child to find hers. “Calladita Te Miras Mas Bonita,” ended with me!

Remember, "Calladita No Me Veo Mas Bonita" is more than a mere phrase; it's a declaration of strength, resilience, and the unwavering spirit of women who refuse to be confined by outdated expectations. As we decode its meaning, let us celebrate the journey towards empowerment, encouraging women to be bold, vocal, and unapologetically authentically themselves. For, in breaking the silence, we find not only our voices but also the true essence of beauty that transcends societal constraints.

Next time you hear, “Calladita Te Miras Mas Bonita,” respond with confidence, “Calladita No Me Veo Mas Bonita” and say what you must!

Esmeralda Aharon is today’s guest blogger and serves as a diversity, equity, and inclusion practitioner at Saint Louis University School of Medicine. Her commitment to fostering inclusivity is reflected not only in her professional role but also in her multifaceted contributions to the community. As a contributing author to the #1 International Best Seller, "Tenacity: Deconstructing GRIT Collection," Esmeralda brings forth her insights and expertise on tenacity, resilience, and perseverance. A distinguished combat veteran with an illustrious service spanning over two decades in the United States Air Force, Esmeralda provided invaluable counsel to leaders across all levels, addressing ethical, moral, and morale issues impacting the enlisted force. Beyond her military service, Esmeralda stands as a stalwart community leader, holding multiple board positions and passionately advocating for people of color, women veterans, and improved language access for non-English speakers. Her remarkable contributions have been recognized through numerous prestigious accolades, including the Spirit of the Four Chaplains, Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Year, LATINA Style Distinguished Military Service, and the Adelante Hispanic Lifetime Achievement award, among others. Esmeralda holds a Master of Arts degree in Teaching Elementary Education from Liberty University and is currently pursuing her doctoral studies at Saint Louis University, demonstrating her ongoing commitment to education and personal growth. Above all, Esmeralda derives immense joy and fulfillment from being a doting mother to three wonderful human beings. During her leisure, she travels, hikes, and nurtures her inner peace through the practice of yoga. Esmeralda Aharon's life is a testament to the profound impact of faith, empathy, advocacy, and unwavering support, illuminating a path of inspiration and empowerment for those around her.


Empowering Women


Silent Wounds of Excellence